Herbal Health Benefits and Side Effects of Oleander
OleanderOleander is a plant that can grow throughout the world in temperature climates. It refers to two species Nerium oleander (common or white oleander) or Thevetia oleander (yellow oleander) and both the species contain ‘cardiac glycosides’ – chemicals that have similar effects to heart drug digoxin. When taken[...]
Losing Weight with Zone Diet
Zone Diet advice: What does a Zone Diet mean? Whatever you can tell me will be great![...]
Healthy Heart Diet for Cardiac Patients with Low Sodium Content
Simple Cardiac Diet For Better Heart Health - Heart Healthy DietWhat is the importance of the heart and of cardiac health? The heart is the organ which helps to pump blood throughout our body. The blood carries oxygen and other vital nutrients, which are important for the functioning of all the[...]
Benefits and Dosage of Potassium Supplements
Potassium SupplementsPotassium is an important mineral required by the body to regulate blood pressure, water balance and acidity levels. It is very important for the effective functioning of all organs, cells and tissues in the body. Potassium is also very crucial for muscular, digestive and cardiac functions. Natural sources of[...]
Cod - Side Effects, Nutritional and Health Benefits
Cod To grow reproduce and survive, cod needs cold deep artic waters. Cod is a cold water fish belonging to the same family (that is the Gadidae) of that of monkfish and haddock and has a mild flavor. It is available throughout the year and is used in variety[...]