Tummy Reduction Exercise and Tips for Weight Loss
Exercise Tips for Weight Loss and Tummy Fat Reduction
Most women gain fat around their abdominal region. No matter what you call it, a baby belly or mummy tummy, it is often embarrassing. I can understand your situation but it’s you who will have to work towards it. Try[...]
Low Fat Dieting with GM Weight Loss Diet
General Motors Weight Loss Diet
Weight gain is a big concern for hypothyroid patients and many seek weight loss diets to get rid of the excess weight but to no avail. This is because most fad diets and general diet plans are not formulated specifically for patients of hypothyroidism, but[...]
Stress Can Make You Gain Weight - Management Tips and Tactics
Chronic Stress Management Tips And TacticsThe adrenal gland in our body produces cortisol a hormone which is known to cause weight gain. This hormone is referred to as the stress hormone. Recent research has shown that when our bodies produce too much of cortisol this results in gain weight gain[...]
Dangerous Effect of High Fructose Corn Syrup
High fructose corn syrup (also known as HFCS) is a commonly used substitute for sugar and is preferred by a number of manufacturers because of the fact that it costs much less than sugar – thereby cutting down the overall manufacturing costs of their products while boosting the profit margin[...]
Dietary Chart and Guidelines for Weight Loss
Weight loss diet chart for overweight females: I am a female weight is 66 kg height is 5.3 inch I want to loose weight please let me know what to eat please provide me the right diet chart.Considering your height, your ideal body weight should be around 58[...]