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Is goat’s milk good for psoriasis?Since the ancient times, it is believed that goat milk has many healing benefits for the skin. However, there is no magic ingredient in it that can heal eczema or psoriasis affected skin. Goat’s milk is simply another kind of milk that can be used for cleansing purposes. Goat’s milk with fat provides the dual benefit of cleansing the skin and moisturizing it. However, there are no indications that the goat milk for psoriasis is an effective remedy. Additionally, milk is known to have worsening effects on psoriasis, and therefore, most people who suffer from this condition prefer to consume a milk and gluten free diet. It is believed that ingesting goat’s milk can worsen your symptoms or trigger an attack. However, applying the milk on your skin may be beneficial for some. Since keeping the skin clean and moisturized helps in reducing the redness of the skin, goat’s milk may be effective here, but beyond that, there is nothing in goat’s milk that can treat the condition. If you do not have a steady supply of goat’s milk, you are not at loss. Goat milk and psoriasis have no positive connection. In fact, there’s nothing that goat’s milk does that a proper cleansing and moisturizing agent will not do for your dry and damaged skin. |
Submitted by N on July 27, 2011 at 02:21 | |
What foods trigger psoriasis?The exact cause of psoriasis is unknown, but years of study and observation have shown that there are certain foods that trigger psoriasis. Different people may have had different experiences with different foods. In fact, some foods that aggravate psoriasis in one person may not have the same effects on another person. The skin responds to foods that improve your health and nourish the body. On the other hand, fatty foods and processed foods, which produce lots of toxins, may cause an outbreak of the symptoms. Foods bad for psoriasis include shellfish and simple sugars. If you are allergic to certain foods, consuming them even in the smallest of quantities may cause you to have another outbreak of symptoms. It is important to drink lots of water and consume foods that help you release toxins from your body. Some of the foods that trigger off the symptoms of this condition may be consumed in small quantities without any severe side effects. However, you may have to observe your diet and maintain a diary to check which foods affect your condition and which of them help you. Foods with high levels of mercury and other heavy metals should be avoided as best as possible, as these can have negative effects on your skin as well as your health. |
Submitted by N on July 22, 2011 at 02:20 | |
Can milk thistle help psoriasis?While there is no empirical data that could point to the efficacy of milk thistle for psoriasis treatment, herbalists swear by its effective use in the treatment of psoriasis. There is no single milk thistle psoriasis dosage that can be prescribed. Turmeric and shark cartilage, along with healthy doses of vitamin E, derived from evening primrose oil, are also known to have a positive effect on the condition. The benefits of milk thistle for psoriasis are many. This herbal remedy is especially beneficial for your liver. It helps in strengthening the liver cells as well as repairing any damage that may have been caused to it. This in turn helps in keeping the toxin levels low in your body. Since it is believed that high levels of toxins in the body can trigger off symptoms of psoriasis, milk thistle helps in keeping the body clean and the skin clear. There are some studies that indicate that milk could cause the symptoms to become more severe. There are many people who find relief when they begin consuming a milk free diet. There are others who give up glutens as well. There are many other kinds of herbal therapies that can be used for getting rid of psoriasis symptoms as well. |
Submitted by N on July 16, 2011 at 02:20 | |
Psoriasis Diet
Psoriasis is a skin condition which leads to an increase in cell production. As a result patches of dry, red and thick skin appear on various parts of the body. This condition usually affects the scalp, elbows and knees. Psoriasis can range from mild to severe. Mild psoriasis may be manifested in the form of small and faint patches of dry skin. Severe psoriasis can cause the entire body to get covered in scaly, red and thick skin. Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition and is also non-curable. In some cases, it may disappear for some years. In other cases, it could worsen especially during winter. Usually there is an improvement in symptoms during warmer weather. The exact cause of this condition is unknown. It could occur due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Many a time, psoriasis is seen to run in families. The immune system is believed to play a part in the occurrence of psoriasis. There are many different treatment options for psoriasis. The type of treatment is decided by the doctor after taking into consideration the severity and extent of the condition. Copper intake is also known to be important as the intake of zinc can affect metabolism of copper. Most foods which contain zinc, also contain copper. Some evidence also indicates that the psoriasis diet plan must comprise of fruits and vegetables and must also be low in animal protein. Some foods which are thought to be an essential part of the psoriasis diet include curd, pumpkin and bitter gourd. The diet for psoriasis must also consist of oily fish such as mackerel, sardines and salmon. All of these contain omega 3 fatty acids which are beneficial for the skin. Some other sources of omega 3 fatty acids such as apricots, mangoes, trout and tuna also contain beta carotene. The beta carotene is converted into vitamin A by the body. Vitamin A is important for healthy skin. Studies have shown that individuals who consume large quantities of such foods face a lower risk of developing psoriasis. This could also be due to the presence of vitamin C and antioxidants in the foods which strengthen and boost the immune system.
Can vitamin d and e help psoriasis?Psoriasis is a serious and incurable condition of the skin in which there is redness on the skin, experienced in random patches, all over the body, especially the face. This is both an inconvenient and embarrassing health condition, and fortunately, it can be controlled using certain medications and remedies. A healthy diet, rich in nutrients, is prescribed for those who are suffering from psoriasis. The treatment regimen for this condition is different for different people, depending on the severity and the spread of the condition. Vitamin D for psoriasis is a recommended treatment. As the body is able to synthesize this nutrient on its own through the exposure to sunlight, doctors advise patients to expose their skin to the sun for small periods of time. There are other nutrients that are also known to be beneficial for this condition. Omega 3 fatty acids are recommended by most doctors, and these can be found in nuts and fish oils. Apart from these, vitamin E for psoriasis is also considered an excellent treatment. Vitamin E can be both consumed and applied topically to reduce the symptoms of the condition. Vitamin E oil for psoriasis is a popular medicated preparation for topical use. Evening primrose supplements and cod liver oil supplements can be consumed to get vitamin E as a nutrient. |
Submitted by N on July 12, 2011 at 02:18 | |
Submitted by S M on September 22, 2007 at 10:27 | |
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